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Solar Airconditions






At CoolairAustralia, we offer the world's N0.1 selection of innovative

save energy heating and cooling solutions to suit all environments and personal preferences. 

See a sample showcase of CoolairAustralia’s products changing the energy saving habits of the world!

Rather than ask where CoolairAustralia’s products can be used, it would be more accurate to ask where they can’t be used! 

CooolairAustralia for all your climate needs 

We are everything you ever wanted in save energy airconditioning

Make your life a little easier and your facility run more efficient and profitable!

No matter what the temperature, space, or climate?

We speak your language

We proudly support Entrepreneurs and all sizes & types of business since 1968

About CoolairAustralia:

CoolairAustralia is one of the world's leading names in the manufacture and installation of direct and indirect evaporator air-coolers, solar air-conditioners, portable air-conditioners, radiant heaters and H VAC systems used in a broad range of fields and applications.

As a global, leading green company, we're applying our technologies to ensure you get the most out of every single unit of energy, water, material and resource used in your building. 

Doing things the

CoolairAustralia’s way:

Direct Sales

At Coolairaustralia, we understand that you are not looking for a supplier for HA-VAC products but for a partner for your climate needs.

You need to focus all of your energy on what you love to do most that is serving your clients and improving your business:

That is why:

You buy directly from us… No middleman, no markups no nothing!

You get Free Product consultation to find the absolute best product for your space needs!


You want product customization? Just say the word. We’ve got you covered!


You get Factory certified installation, so you get peace of mind knowing your install’s going to be done right the first time!


You get 5 Year Extended Guarantee, so we take care of you (and them) for years to come!

Εκπληκτική αποδοση ψύξης❤️

Εκπληκτική αποδοση ψύξης❤️

Εκπληκτική απόδοση ψύξης ανεξάρτητα από τη θερμοκρασία ή την υγρασία του ζεστού αέρα περιβάλλοντος: Air cooler με αέρα συμπιεστής με ψύξη νερού για κρύο νερό που ρέει στα ραδιατερ + πηνία κρύου κρύου νερού για επιπλέον έξοδο κρύου αέρα. SMART Τεχνολογία που σας δίνει τον έλεγχο των αναγκών ψύξης του εξατμιστή-ψύκτη: Λειτουργία προψύξης, ρύθμιση επιθυμητών επιπέδων θερμοκρασίας και υγρασίας, προγραμματιζόμενη λειτουργία με χρονοδιακόπτη, Έξυπνη λειτουργία καθαρισμού, Έξυπνη λειτουργία σφάλματος Inverter εξαιρετικά αθόρυβα μοντέλα αερόψυξης 16 πολλαπλών ταχυτήτων για ακριβή φυσική ψύξη έως και 15 μέτρα χωρίς να ενοχλείτε τους κοντινούς ανθρώπους!! Επεξηγηση τεχνολογιας: #OutdoorCooling #HORECA #AirCooler #CoolairAustralia #OutdoorDining #AlFrescoCooling #Hospitality #AlFrescoCooling #Hospitality #CommercialCooling #CommercialCooling #OutdoorComfort #OutdoorComfort #OutdoorComfort #RestaurantCooling #saveenergy #airconditioning #quality #coolingsystem #saveenergy #bestaircooler #warehousecooling

Whether you have an industrial complex or a small shop, our experts are here to make your life easier, more comfortable and less expensive.


5 years worldwide Guarantee

Worry-free maintenance.

Repairs you can trust.

10 trees are planted

for every product sold

"As our company grows, so does our impact in the world, With your help we are looking forward to help our environment and people lives further."

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