The Great Barrier Reef May Be Restored Using Electricity
reversing the impact of coral bleaching, a process by which coral release their algae reserves in warm water.

This System Converts Our Trash Into Fuel and Reduces Greenhouse Gases
By 2050, it’s estimated the ocean will contain more plastic, by weight, than fish. And while efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle might be

What is Happening to Our Threatened Ozone Layer?
Scientists believe the North Pole begins to see more frequent polar stratospheric clouds in the future then this would cause severe ozone de

A Huge Trap Is Ready to Start Gobbling Up Ocean Plastic “Like A Giant Pac-Man
The Ocean Cleanup believes the boom could collect as much as 150,000 pounds of plastic during its first year in operation. While that’s just

Jadav Payeng: The Man Who Planted an Entire Forest by Himself
Imagine how fast the global goal to fight climate change could advance if only there were more Jadav Payengs in the world. Anyone can make a

Engineers warn of bill shock under green energy surge
Electricity bills will soar and gas and coal-fired power stations will close if the share of wind and solar generation increases dramatical

There is a forgotten solution to climate change that we must invest in – nature
if we don’t act soon enough, the results of climate change will likely be catastrophic. Hopefully the Global Climate Action Summit will yiel